The Compost People is a residential compost pick-up service that cares about decreasing waste and environmental impact while improving soil for generations to come. We want to help you to do the same.
97% of food waste generated ends up in landfills, and this food waste creates harmful Methane. Composting is a scientifically proven method of reducing carbon/methane emissions! It also greatly reduces landfill use and instead closes the loop on food waste by giving it a second life as a beneficial use material. We have a responsibility to future generations to improve the health of our earth. Composting is an important part of that goal.

We can take all food, meat, bones, egg and egg shells, dairy, fruits, vegetables,food soiled paper products, BPI compostable bags, coffee grounds, coffee filters, tea bags minus the staples, non chlorine bleached napkins only, BPI Certified Compostable service ware. That is more than I currently put in my backyard compost bin.

The dirty work is done for you! You won't have to worry about rodents, insects, wet globs of partially decomposed material and other common problems that may make you want to quit composting all together. As recycling becomes more limited our garbage increases. This is just one way we can do our part to help the environment.

If you want a bag of compost we deliver a free bag yearly with your subscription. Composting benefits the air, water and soil.
Getting the food waste out of our landfills not only decreases Methane but it also provides a nutrient dense product that can fertilize our gardens and crops. Soil that has been enriched with compost helps fight plant disease, decreases harmful pests, improves soil PH, friability (crumbly structure), water retentions and drainage.

While traveling up to Maine to see her brother Netty noticed that they had a home compost pick-up service. She was jealous that they never created a full bag of trash at the end of the week. Netty and her husband researched something like it in Pittsburgh and could not find what they were looking for. They decided to compost in the backyard instead but soon realized it was a lot of work. She wanted to be able to compost more and have it break down into the nice products she had seen in stores. Using the compost at their house made her realize how important it was for growth in her garden but she did not want all the fuss. The company started as a partnership with Richard Salvante. Together they got the home compost service off the ground. Now Rich has moved onto other adventures but Netty has continued the mission of The Compost People, because she believes the world is worth it.
Commercial Food Waste Collection
For COMMERCIAL food waste collection and composting services please email or call 412-804-8609